Spyderserve Web Development

Many of us are influenced by social media. Advertisements grab our attention daily, and a lot of advertisements tempt viewers to shop or check out the websites linked to the ads shown. Small businesses can substantially grow if the marketing strategies are just right. A small business’ influence can grow by targeting the right audience, posting frequently, creating quality posts, and other factors that lead to trust and popularity among social media communities. All of these can lead to increased traffic to websites, social media, an in-person business.

If you are looking to bring your small business to the world of digital marketing or looking for creative ways to enhance your social media strategy, this article is just for you! 

Find Your Target Audience

The three most popular platforms to market for business are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Knowing where your audience is and how to reach them is the number one objective of social media marketing. 

Targeting the right audience is the key to your success. A target audience is a group of people that have a common interest or need based on the demographics that your business caters to. For example, if you sell decorative phone cases, your target audience may be a young audience who is interested in that type of product.

Including social media in your marketing strategy creates a broader awareness of your brand. Business branding will attract people who are most likely interested in your services or products. 

Make a Few Posts

The highlight of social media marketing is your content. Posting engaging and quality content can win traffic to your website.

If you have a blog on your business’s website, you could use your posts to direct viewers to your site’s blog. Such posts can lead viewers to look further into your website.

Another way to post is by posting visual content. Visual content includes videos and pictures. These posts grab viewer attention more effectively than using strictly text. Those pictures and videos can lead viewers to seek more information about your product or service, increasing website traffic. 

Posts with links will also help direct viewers to your website. Such links can look like “Click here,” buttons on posts. 

More examples of creative and effective posts include making a spotlight feature of your team members, posting fun facts relative to your business, and creating small creative video clips that feature a product.


When it comes to engagement, consistency is key. Social media is a way to actively and directly engage with your audience or potential future clients and customers.

 It is good to keep in touch with your audience by answering questions or providing feedback to build your audience’s opinion of your business. With a good social media reputation, trust is built.  This trust can lead others to recommend your business,  increasing traffic to your website.

Another way to engage is by replying to comments on your post regularly. Replying creates engagement and helps keep engagement with your target audience. Simply engaging helps your audience know that they are speaking to real and approachable people, which also helps in building trust with future customers.

Examples of engagement can look like running a poll to see customer opinion on a product, topic, or service, or posts that celebrate business milestones and sending “thank yous”.

Social media influences many people. Your brand can be just as influential as the ones you scroll through and see daily. The influence of social media not only affects people but also the success of businesses.  Businesses can succeed through targeting an audience, posting engaging content, and building brand trust through simply engaging with targeted audiences. Technology is growing, and word of mouth is not the only way to promote business anymore. Thankfully to your advantage, small businesses like you can enhance their marketing strategy creatively through social media. 

Here at Spyderserve, we understand how challenging it can be to run a small business with limited resources.  That is why Spyderserve is committed to bringing web technologies and marketing concepts to small businesses on a budget like you. If you have any questions or want to learn more, give us a call (229) 269- 4108.

Spyderserve  2225 Bemiss Road Suite D Valdosta, Georgia 31602 United States